Desktop programs that do not work under Win2k3

Here's a list of the Desktop programs (games, productivity, multimedia, end-user hardware, etc) that I've found problems running under Windows 2003 server (Win2k3), and my solution, if any. A typical solution is to right click on the EXE file, and tell windows to run it in computability mode, selecting WinXP as the OS to emulate. Most likely this just changes what OS version number Win2k3 reports...

  • 3DMark®2001 SE Free Version - it just won't run, no matter what.
  • Rhapsody music service - change your user-agent.
  • Canon Powershot software (Camera Window) to download photos from your camera. But, there is a workaround.
  • Samsung ML-1710 Series Laser Printer - the GDI drivers installed fine, but when you plug in the printer it reports an unspecified error. It's easy to fix, however; the driver defaulted to the LPT port (ie the parallel port), all you have to do is switch it to the USB port.


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