Accessing Win10 file shares from WinXP

Unlike most people I won't say "just stop using WinXP". WinXP is great. Here I was trying to run it in a VMware 15 virtual machine hosted under Win10. And I couldn't get XP to browse or map shares using net use h: \\m5\h$

instead I got error 64

Here's the powershell command that seems to be critical to making it work:

Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName smb1protocol

Warning! this will cause your computer to reboot.

This is from which also helpfully inlcudes a command to check if smb1 was enabled (it wasn't, even though I went thru the optional features GUI to install it, and rebooted as required).

There's a lot of other suggestions made out there. Some that notably don't seem to be required:

"Turn off password protected sharing"

(from I haven't tried to see if any of the other suggestions are wrong - ie I tried them all before hitting on the magic powershell command above.


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