DIY webhook for logging shell command outputs to email

The idea here is to be able to run a shell command on a remote linux box and have the results sent to you via email. In this case the linux box doesn't have SMTP so I use a 2nd commercial server that does to operate a HTTP/PHP to email "gateway". This can't be abused for spam even if discovered since the destination is always fixed (a filtered folder in my Gmail account). 

On the linux box:

# syntax hook <whatever>, if pipes used put quotes around it.
# sends user agent as command

echo $@
outp=$(eval "$@" 2>&1)
echo $outp
curl --user-agent "$@" -H "x:`echo "$outp"|gzip|base64 -w0`"  ""

Replace with your own webserver (not the linux box). The basic idea is to save the output of the command as gziped text that's been base64 encoded so that it's a valid http header (we use a custom header since these seem to be unlimited in size up to 8k, unlike the URL itself).

Then on the server make this php file inside /hook_URL/
$sender = "";  // sender address used to notify user
$receiver = "";  // email address to send records to
$command = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; // we store the command text as the agent

$raw = apache_request_headers()["x"]; // text from custom header

$text = gzdecode( base64_decode($raw) ); // convert from base 64 to binary and then gunzip it to ascii

mail($receiver, // where it gets emailed
$command, // title
$text, // body
    "From: " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "_$sender", "-r $sender"); 

then you can put in your cron or whatever:

hook "dmesg | tail"

you might ask why hook takes arguments rather than stdin; the reason is this way it can report what command was run rather than just the text sent to it via a pipe. Downside is you have to quote the command if it involves a pipe.


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