Pi Lag Tester Pro v2.0 released

I haven't had a chance to fully update the product page and manual yet, but I wanted to let everybody know that version 2.0 of the PiLagTesterPRO is now available. 


The hardware is unchanged except that it's packaged much more nicely:


The software is the main area of improvement. The main display has a few useful tweaks:

  • The target bars are much wider, allowing you to place the sensor in a single spot still be able to take measurements for both 4:3 and widescreen video modes.
  • The current resolution and refresh rate are printed.
  • The Realtime graph now has tick marks every 10ms.
More generally: 
  • The input lag threshold (5% increase in brightness over baseline) and the response time threshold (80% of full brightness) can now be adjusted interactively to any value you like.
  • You can save a screenshot as a PNG.
  • The background and probe bars can be set to any intensity you want, allowing more comprehensive measurement of response time. 
  • A new tool has been added that measures whether the display's lag varies each time the HDMI inputs are switched on (sometimes known as unlocked refresh rates)

Pi4 support

The piLagTesterPRO now works on the Pi4. Every video mode that the Pi zero supports can be used on the Pi4. And now with the Pi4 it's possible to test 4k resolutions, both 3840x2160 and 4096x2160, at 60hz (and also 50hz, 30hz and 24hz). You can also test lower resolutions at higher refresh rates, I've tested 120hz but in theory 240hz is possible at a significantly reduced resolution. 



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