Starcraft 2 installer stuck on "Downloading new files": fix!

Installing starcraft 2 just wasn't going anywhere: it was stuck on Downloading new files no matter how long I waited.

The logs suggested an infinite timeout (C:\ProgramData\\Setup\s2_2\Logs):

E 2020-04-22 21:01:34.815206 [Main] {3f30} Downloader - {3f30} ERR (d:\buildserver\bna-2\work-git\bootstrapper-repository\contrib\contrib\bnl_dl2\fetcher\source\fetcher\httpfetcherimpl.cpp, line 392): HTTP: connection failed for host NET_CANCELED

The solution: somehow my spectrum-supplied router had gotten the firewall enabled, even though I had turned off the Windows 10 firewall long ago. THANKS SPECTRUM (/TWC). Setting the router firewall to "low" (allow all traffic) fixed the problem instantly.


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