Counterfeit PS1 Memory cards or Genuine?

I have two PSOne (in color scheme at last) memory cards that didn't work, so I took them apart to see if there was anything obviously wrong. There wasn't. But I was quite surprised how different they looked on the inside. 

One had a big SONY emblazoned on the flash chip itself, the other had no mention of Sony anywhere. The PC boards certainly looked like different kinds of layouts, different pcboard dye, etc, and one was taller than the other. Since both were dead I can't speculate about the "crappy" counterfeit quality. 

Certainly I expect Sony made several iterations of their 128KB memory cards over the many years the PS1 was sold, but since these are both PSOne colored I assume them to be from that relatively short era at the end of the life cycle of the PSX.

PS: the PSone was named in contrast to the PS2, and was a smaller but genuine full-fledged PS1 console made by Sony and sold concurrently with the PS2. Sometimes it's called the PS1mini, creating confusion today since it's entirely different than the ARM based emulator sold a decade(plus) later to retro enthusiasts who didn't know better.

So what do you think? Do I have One, Two(!) or zero counterfeit memory cards?


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