Pi0 and Pi0w GPIO layout map with landmarks

After counting pins many times to figure out where to wire up a Pi0 / pi0 Wireless it occurred to me that there might be some landmarks on the printed circuit board that would make it easier to find the desired GPIO pin without counting. The photos below are my attempt at this idea, and it does work, though it would be much better if the Pi folks had added a few silkscreened labels for this purpose.  Next rev, perhaps?

If you print these: these look good at 150 dpi in color, or as large as you can go in black and white.

As always, pin 1 is closest to the SD card slot.

postscript: I scavenged the board images and GPIO layout diagrams from the internet, so I cannot claim any ownership of the final composited image, just the idea. Instead of trying to stake a claim, however, I'd just enjoy if people could take this idea and make it better, perhaps improving the printability of the resulting image (the circuit board is awfully muddy on my printer). 


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