How to pause animation in PowerPoint

If you have a long animation looping animation that you want to be able to pause and then resume, there's an easy way to do so with the keyboard. Press the 1 key, which puts you in the mode where you can type in a slide number to jump to. In this mode, all animation is paused. To get out of this mode without jumping to another slide press the ~ key.

There are lots of keyboard shortcuts in Powerpoint; press F1 to get a list. Note that one of them is listed as "pause" (S key or + key) but this doesn't actually seem to work in all the situations that the trick described above does.

Tested an known to work in PPT 2003.


Anonymous said…
This is 3? yrs after the fact, but thanks so much for this tip! It's exactly what I needed.
Anonymous said…
Fab! Thanks for the information - I was having loads of trouble with this - now solved.

Thanks :)
Anonymous said…
Great tip. I needed this for for an enhanced on-line version of a book. Thanks
vinay narayane said…
Hey, thanks a lot :) This helped a lot!
Anonymous said…
THANKS! This really really helps me out.
Renuke Mendis said…
On Powerpoint Presentations, with animations...

Press "1" to Pause
Press "!" to Continue (! is shift+1 key)
Renuke Mendis said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…
Thanks so much!!!
Anonymous said…
Thanks so much..
Tom said…
That's pretty good. Thank you. Clicking shift + ! makes a loud noise, though. Can that be turned off? Thanks.
Alan Robinson said…
Huh. Doesn't happen for me. Maybe if you look at the sounds control panel there might be a "sudden stop" event you could make silent?
Thank you so much worked for me !!!!

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