Netbooks compared on price and features

I made a matrix of Netbooks, split by OS (Linux or Windows) and Hard disk (SSD or HHD):
OS / HD Linux OS Windows OS
SSD Asus
Eee PC4g
512MB/4GB/4cell $250

Aspire One
1GM/8GB/3cell $280

Aspire One
512MB/8GB/3cell $329

Aspire One
512MB/16GB/3cell $350
mechanical ASUS
EeePC 900HA
1GB/160/4cell $329

1GB/160/4cell $340

Aspire One
1GB/160GB/6cell $380

Wind U100
1GB/120GB/3cell $350

Lenovo IdeaPad S10
512MB/80GB/3cell $350

Notice anything interesting? Netbooks only appear along the diagonal of the matrix. It seems you can't get a Windows netbook with a solid state disk, or a Linux netbook with a mechanical hard drive. A strange set of optimizations, if you ask me. Given how much excitement there is about this category, you'd think that there would be at least some examples in the other two cells of the matrix. True, not every netbook is listed here, but this is a representative sample of what I could find on Amazon and Newegg. I'd welcome reader comments on netbooks I missed.


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